Proof of expertise

Proof of expertise in aquaristics and terrariums
Note: Only dates reported by the examiners are published here. Please always direct inquiries about individual dates to the respective examiner (contact details can be found in the registration form for the respective training course!

The certificates of expertise for aquaristics and terrariums meet the requirements set out in Section 2 No. 3 TierSchG and Section 7 Paragraph 1 No. 1 BArtSchV and are suitable for presentation to the authorities (e.g. in the event of an order in accordance with Section 16a TierSchG). Of course, this certificate of expertise can also be completed voluntarily by every aquarist/terrarian. We currently offer the following training and examination courses: a) Terrarium studies in general (reptiles / amphibians), b) Dangerous animals, c) Aquarium studies (sea water / fresh water / garden pond).

Proof of expertise (including examination) can be taken in the following areas:
Terrariums, Aquatics (Fresh water / sea water / garden pond).

Further information about the training dates can be found in the registration forms. If you have any questions, please contact the respective course instructor. The course instructors are responsible for the accuracy of the information on the registration forms.

Please see the registration forms for the costs (training including examination).
Please direct any questions about the course schedule, etc. directly to the organizer specified in the registration!
Your path to the proficiency test
is very simple:
1. You select an offered date for your examination area,
2. You order the science textbook in our shop,
3. You load the registration form (click on Registration form under the picture!) down.
4. You send the registration form (by email / post / fax)
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